Lower Extremity Edema

If we ask what the common finding of all diseases is, “edema” may be the most appropriate reply and if we wonder the body part which has the most exposure to the gravity, lower extremity especially ankle comes to our mind. Therefore, the relationship between edema and ankle is the main theme of this book. 

Increased fluid in the interstitial space is called edema. From the slightest tissue trauma to severe accidents, from a small skin incision to the deepest surgeries, from a single parasite to widespread bacterial infections, from skin sensitivity to widespread allergic reactions, from immune system problems to autoimmune disorders, the potential for edema is high due to fluid leakage out of the cell. Therefore, this edema issue should be evaluated by all healthcare professionals.

The edema can be seen mostly in the lower extremities, due to gravity.

The inactivity as well as sports habits are not common in a very significant part of the population, this situation has become a serious public health problem. Therefore,

Evaluating of the differential diagnosis of lower extremity edema is the essential for success in appropriate treatment and rehabilitation.

The purpose of this book is to provide information to both students and professional health providers on this subject.

I would like to thank the authors, the members of Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa as well as our valued readers to support for revealing this book.

With my best regards.


Prof. Dr. Ahmet AKGÜL


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