100 Books for the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye

The struggle for independence of the Turkish nation culminated with the proclamation of the Republic on October 29, 1923. The glorious victory achieved as a result of a great struggle, engraved in the annals of world history, is the product of the Turkish nation's determination to live free and independent, demonstrating unparalleled heroism with faith, courage, trust, and boundless sacrifice. The Republic of Turkey, where sovereignty was unconditionally entrusted to the nation, is the greatest gift from Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the leader of the Turkish National Struggle, to the nation.

In the goal of preserving the gains of the Republic and reaching the level of contemporary civilizations, education and science have always been the foremost guides. The greatest responsibility in achieving these goals undoubtedly falls on universities.

Among the esteemed and pioneering universities in our country, İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa is a research university that adopts a scientific approach, produces knowledge, and is committed to contributing to the development of society through its applications. As a higher education institution committed to the values of the Republic, we are launching the "100 Books for the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Turkey" project in collaboration with our academics, dedicated to the centenary of our Republic. Within the scope of the project, the books authored by our academics in their respective fields of expertise and published by our University's publishing house, "IUC University Press," are made available to the public through open access. Comprising 100 books prepared in various fields from health to engineering, social sciences to education, these books are of a quality that can be used as educational materials, textbooks, and as sources for research and development.

With the strength we draw from our deep-rooted history as İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, we continue to work and produce with all our might to carry Turkish Republic into many centuries ahead. We dedicate our "100 Books for the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Turkey" project, honoring all the heroes who contributed to the establishment of the Turkish Republic that we celebrate on its 100th year anniversary, to all academics, students, and researchers for their use. 

Prof. Dr. Nuri AYDIN