Sports Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diseases

Climate Change and Forests: A Forestry Policy Perspective

Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy

Breast Radiology – Diagnostic Approach and Interventional Methods

Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Building Elements with Meta-Intuitive Methods

Changing Conditions, Requirements and Recommendations in Education of Foreign Language Teacher

Ethical Issues in Education

Emergency and Perioperative Approaches in Pediatric Endocrinology

Special Tests Used in Musculoskeletal System Evaluation: Validity, Sensitivity and Specificity

Forensic Toxicology: Basic Concepts and Principles

Special Papers

Elderly People Spend Money Too!

New Owners of the Future: Older Adults

Rabbit Diseases

Terminology of Forestry

Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practice Guide

Birth and Postpartum Period for Midwives

Urban and Regional Planning

New Horizons in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery

General Principles and Innovations in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery I

General Principles and Innovations in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery II

Refractory Materials: Classification-Products-Properties-Standards-Computational Lining Design

Optimal Tuning of Mass Dampers

Turkish Accommodation Sector Cost Analysis within Framework of the Theory of Comparative Advantages

Clinical Aspects Topographic Anatomy

Quality Assurance Techniques for Industrial Applications 2023

How to Write a Quality Scientific Research Article?

Social Work Supervision

Current Issues and Digital Transformation in Economy of Türkiye

Shell Structure Theory: Classical Shell Theory and Exact Solution Methods

Neuroanatomy Lecture Notes

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Rheumatological Diseases: Evidence-Based Perspective

History Education in the 100th Year of the Republic of Turkey


End-of-Life Decision: Euthanasia Reviews

Paper and Cardboard Packaging Technique

Otolaryngology Diseases Textbook I

Otolaryngology Diseases Textbook II

Particleboard Industry

Disorders of Gender Development

Towards European Researcher Development and Engagement for Equity and Inclusion

Landscape Irrigation Design

First Aid and Basic Life Support

Newborn and Child Health for Midwifery I

Newborn and Child Health for Midwifery II

Voice of Green Justice: The Role and Struggle of Social Work Against Climate Change

Problem Behaviors in Children: Understanding and Prevention

Lower Extremity Edema

Quantitative Techniques and Machine Learning in Health Care Management

Forensic Biology: Pursuing Justice with Nature’s Traces I

Forensic Biology: Pursuing Justice with Nature’s Traces II

Pandemic History, COVID-19 Pandemic, Global and National Struggle Processes

Active and Passive Control of Structures: Matlab Simulink Applications

Internal Organs Anatomy

Red Zone: Critical Cases in Emergency I

Red Zone: Critical Cases in Emergency II

Landscape Architecture and Art: Yesterday’s Interpretation, Today’s Perception and Future’s Expectat

Basic Genetics

Soil Science for Urban Green Landscapes