Terminology of Forestry

Scientific advancements in any domain are characterized through its evolving terminology. Indeed, innovation in science often equates to the introduction of new terms. The intricate relationship between science and its associated terminology cannot be overstated. Terms are pivotal in defining the contours of a scientific discipline or in imparting professional education. Predominantly, higher education revolves around grasping the terms (and concepts) connected to a specific domain. The distinct lexicon associated with each scientific discipline sets it apart. It's through these specialized terms (and concepts) that effective communication ensues among professionals of different fields. This symbiotic relationship between science and terminology is equally pertinent in the realm of forestry. In academic settings, terms become the foundation of learning, while in professional settings, foresters leverage them for intra-disciplinary communication. Scientific investigations in forestry are underscored by the consistent use of these terms (and concepts). The Forestry Terminology book has been crafted, keeping these foundational principles at its core.

The Forestry Terminology book has been precisely crafted to enhance the quality of scientific research, elevate higher education in forestry, and facilitate unified communication among forestry professionals. For university students, this book serves as an invaluable primer on forestry. Beyond introducing readers to a myriad of forestry-related terms, the book delves into the underlying principles of terminology, traces the historical evolution of forestry terms, and elucidates key forestry concepts in depth. The content is enriched by an array of references, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Furthermore, the book extends its relevance by drawing parallels to terminological courses taught in disciplines beyond the realm of Forestry faculties, offering a broader academic perspective.

Prof. Dr. Orhan SEVGİ


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