Changing Conditions, Requirements and Recommendations in Education of Foreign Language Teacher

We are pleased to share selected papers from the 7th National Foreign Language Education Congress on “Changing Circumstances, Needs and Future Directions in Foreign Language Teacher Education”, which was an online event organised by İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, English Language Teaching Department on 17-18 December 2021. For thematic unity, the congress schedule was taken into consideration for the sequential organisation of the chapters in this collection. The congress opened up spaces for the discussion of changing dynamics, emerging needs and new perspectives in foreign language teacher education. We express our gratitude to all participants who shared their invaluable expert knowledge, ideas, and experiences, to the presenters for their insightful contributions, to the moderators and to our colleagues who made this publication possible by sharing their academic work and research in individual chapters.

We hope that this book, which comprises a selection of the presentations made at the 7th National Foreign Language Education Congress, where we discussed the phenomenon of "change" in foreign language education and the new and innovative issues, concepts, practices, and developments it has brought about, will relay information regarding current issues in the field and will provide a re-evaluation of foreign language teaching and teacher education in Turkey. We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Arif Sarıçoban, President of the Association of English Teacher Educators (İNÖED), with whom we cooperated in the 7th National Foreign Language Education Congress, Prof. Dr. İrfan Başkurt, Dean of Istanbul University- Cerrahpaşa Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, Prof. Dr. Sevinç Hatipoğlu, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Education, faculty members of the Department of English Language Teaching, the Rectorate of Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa for their support in the publication process, and the Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akgül for his contribution towards the inclusion of this book in the "100 Books for the 100th Year of the Republic" project.

Asst. Prof. Dilek İNAL
Asst. Prof. Özlem ETUŞ


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