Special Papers

Paper and cardboard production is one of the important industries that requires multidisciplinary work. Paper and cardboard, whose importance and use have been increasing since the year it was invented, is a product that emerged as a result of interdisciplinary work. In recent years, production has increased among paper and cardboard product types, depending on the supply of paper cardboard packaging and special papers with high added value. Paper production becomes the final product after going through certain stages. Stages of paper and cardboard production; Raw material selection and supply continues as production technology, process control and final product according to the final product. As can be seen, paper production is a complex process consisting of several stages. In order to obtain good quality, it is first necessary to understand the process well. For this, it is necessary to understand the structure of the raw material, the suitability of the production technology to the raw material, and the chemical and physical structure. Paper and cardboard products, which have an important place in our lives, have expanded in line with the increasing demand in recent years. In line with developing technologies, paper production is also being developed and its use is increasing. In this regard, the use of products with high added value is increasing day by day. This causes the varieties and production of special papers to increase. This book is about the importance and usage areas of special papers; I tried to compile it from the information I gathered from relevant sources, lecture notes and congress presentations. In addition, I also attribute this book, in which I try to gather information about some special paper types, to my beloved mother Farike ÖZDEN and my father Ahmet ÖZDEN, both of whom are deceased.

Asst. Prof. Öznur ÖZDEN


Forensic Toxicology: Basic Concepts and Principles


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