New Owners of the Future: Older Adults

Aging and old age are the subject of an increasing amount of scientific research. The increasing elderly population in a rapidly aging world requires more attention to the needs of this special group. In medicine, there are departments of science derived with the suffix -logos, such as dermatology, neurology, and cardiology, as well as departments which are derived with the suffix -iatros, with an emphasis on the art of medicine, such as psychiatry, pediatrics, and geriatrics. The -iatros suffix emphasizes a characteristic of the patient group of interest. Patients with mental disorders, children and the elderly are, in a way, more vulnerable groups than other patient groups. In critical situations where decisions need to be made about these three groups, the physician's influence and power may be greater, and the artistic aspect of medicine gains as much weight as the scientific aspect. All professional groups that serve the elderly and deal with aging are in such a position where they need to be more careful about professional ethics. According to the TUIK data, Turkey, which is now almost a ‘very old’ society, it is clear that more study is needed on this wise group. This book is a gift from our department, which sees old age as a gift of life, to our hundred-year-old young Republic, to the old people in Turkey, the new owners of the future, and to our dear students in the department of gerontology who are interested in old age and dedicate their youth.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sera YİĞİTER
Prof. Dr. Ahmet AKGÜL


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