Cardiovascular and Edema; Nutrition and Exercise

Starting with the fundamental mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases, the book delves into associated issues such as lymphedema and its management. It explores dietary interventions, exercise regimens, and medical devices, offering practical solutions for patients and healthcare professionals alike. Each chapter, meticulously prepared by experts in their fields, is designed to serve as a practical guide grounded in scientific evidence.

Detailed discussions on lymphedema, nutritional therapy for lymphedema patients, and exercise and sports highlight solutions from both clinical and patient perspectives. Topics such as nutritional and exercise therapy for atherosclerotic heart disease, medical nutrition therapy for peripheral arterial occlusions, and exercise interventions for deep vein thrombosis underscore the importance of a multidisciplinary approach.

Innovative and current subjects, including post-COVID-19 complications, vasculitis, and neurotherapy, aim to provide readers with new insights. Furthermore, specific chapters on nutrition in wound and pressure ulcers, heart valve diseases in athletes, and skin disorders associated with cardiovascular diseases enrich the book’s content significantly.

 This book is the product of the dedicated efforts of expert authors, whose meticulous work and contributions add immense value to this endeavor. Aimed at a broad range of healthcare professionals, from physicians to dietitians, physiotherapists to nurses, this book aspires to serve as a guide for translating scientific knowledge into practice.

I believe this book will contribute to raising awareness and knowledge in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, offer new perspectives to healthcare professionals, and help improve the quality of life for patients.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet AKGÜL


Coronary Interventions: From Diagnosis to Treatment


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