What If We Didn't Have Hormones?
I think the Covid 19-induced pandemic we have globally experienced in recent years has reminded us once again how important Basic Sciences are. No matter which professional group you are involved in the health field, you must be a good basic scientist. And of course, the most important stop on the path of basic sciences, especially on the way to clinical medicine, is Biochemistry. Biochemistry examines all the chemical phases that a living being goes through during its lifetime. And the most important chemical substances that affect all these processes are undoubtedly hormones. They act as indispensable regulators of metabolic processes.
In my book, I tried to explain the importance of hormones. And I would be happy If I could contribute even a little to all scientists, especially my students…
I underline the spiritual importance of my book, which will be published within the scope of our project '100 Books for the 100th Year of the Republic', and I commemorate all our martyrs, especially Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the architect of our Republic, who sacrificed their lives for our homeland and our glorious flag, with mercy and gratitude.
I dedicate it to my beloved family, to whom I am grateful for their being with me at every moment of my life.
Prof. Dr. Hasret Demircan Yardibi