Dermatological and Venereal Diseases

In this century, groundbreaking developments are taking place in medicine, as in all sciences. A very high level of progress has been achieved with the proliferation of both laboratory research and clinical trials that is gaining momentum. Undoubtedly, one of the areas where these developments spread intensively is dermatology.

Dermatology is the field of internal medicine with some surgical aspects that deals in all age groups with the skin and its appendages, which is our largest organ. In the light of current epidemiological data, various skin diseases affect a significant part of the society. However, skin diseases seriously affect not only the skin, but also other organ systems and the person's mental health and may cause various morbidities. In this context, physicians encountering skin diseases in daily practice should be able to manage the diagnosed skin diseases holistically and to diagnose various internal and surgical skin diseases through their cutaneous findings.

This book is designed to be a summary of inflammatory, infectious and neoplastic diseases that are relatively common in dermatology practice and primary care, and to provide critical information about these diseases. In addition, elementary lesions and dermatologic diagnosis are briefly mentioned at the beginning. We hope that dermatologists as well as medical students and primary care physicians will benefit from this book.

We are grateful to all our esteemed colleagues who worked devotedly and laboriously during the writing process.

Prof. Dr. Server SERDAROĞLU
Prof. Dr. Burhan ENGİN
Prof. Dr. Zekayi KUTLUBAY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuğba Kevser UZUNÇAKMAK
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muazzez Çiğdem OBA


Basic Pediatric Urology


Torrent and Avalanche Control