Measurement and Evaluation Methods in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
As the editor of the book, I am pleased to present you the book titled "Measurement and Evaluation Methods in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation". I am proud and honored that this book will be one of the 100 books to be published within the scope of the "100 Books in the 100th Year of the Republic Project" under the leadership of Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa. First of all, I would like to thank Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa for the leadership and support provided in the implementation of the "100 Books in the 100th Year of the Republic Project".
I would like to thank all the authors who made the book possible for their valuable contributions, devoted work, and contributions to advancing the field of measurement and evaluation in physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
I would like to thank AVES Publishing for their meticulous work in the typesetting and printing of the book.
I would like to express my endless gratitude to my valuable family, who have been my greatest support in my academic journey.
Finally, I would like to thank my readers for your interest in this book. I hope that the information and opinions presented in the pages of the book will enhance your understanding of the role of measurement and evaluation in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. I believe that this book will be a valuable reference for students, physiotherapists, and researchers.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. İpek YELDAN