Medical Microbiology II
We are honored to take part with our Medical Microbiology Textbook, in this significative project, “100 Books for the 100th Anniversary of the Republic” specially prepared for the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. Our textbook, prepared in two volumes within the scope of this project, was meticulously prepared by academicians of the Department of Medical Microbiology. The most recent developments and innovations in the field of Medical Microbiology have been included in the book in the most comprehensive way possible, providing a rich content.
In addition to the authors, we would like to thank Dr. Ayşe Betül Keleş, Dr. Mehmet Ali Tanrısever, Dr. Gözde Arslanca, Spec. Dr. Elif Keskin Atan and PhD. Zeynep Yazgan, PhD students; Msc Edip Tokuç, Msc. Yelda İşlek, Msc Rüveyda Akçin, Msc Özge Aksu, and Msc Ferhat Daşdemir; MSc student Sevinj Hajiyeva, Msc Muhayeddin Abdirahman Ziyad, Msc Nazrin Abızade and our department secretary Tuba Soysal Mumcu for their contributions to the preparation of the book.
We respectfully and yearnly commemorate our department's valuable faculty member, Prof. Dr. Kenan Midilli, whom we lost during the preparation of this book.
Although the book was prepared with the contributions of many authors, an effort was made to maintain the consistency of the written language as much as possible. The legal responsibility of the writings in this book belongs entirely to the authors.
Microbiology continues to affect all of medicine and the world, the best example of which is the COVID-19 pandemic. We sincerely hope that our book will be intriguing and useful for all our students and colleagues.